Murdering Point Winery

Australia’s leading tropical fruit winery

Set amongst fertile cane fields and lush tropical rainforests of North Queensland, Murdering Point Winery offers a range of high-quality red and white fruit wines, ports, liqueurs and creams that are uniquely Australian and deliver an exciting and stimulating tropical taste experience.

Founded by the Berryman family in 2001, Murdering Point Winery has rapidly gained a reputation for the quality of its wines and the innovative use of a wide range of exotic tropical fruits, particularly in making wines using Australian native tropical fruit, Davidson Plum.

Murdering Point Winery is located on the Canecutter Way in Silkwood east, North Queensland Australia, and is a key attraction of the Great Tropical Drive.

Contact Details

Address: 161 Murdering Point Rd, Silkwood QLD 4857


Phone:  +61 7 4065 2327


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